In today’s world, every organization must strive to build software systems that are resilient in the face of unexpected occurrences to achieve uninterrupted operations and safeguard their data. Software systems...
In today’s digital world, creating a successful product isn’t just about how it works but also how it feels and looks.When developing a successful product, two crucial elements come into...
The software development world has witnessed a significant transformation with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications. One of the most notable AI tools that has gained popularity...
Monte Carlo Simulation is a mathematical technique used in modeling the probability of different outcomes especially where there is uncertainty or randomness of variables.
Microservices architecture is reshaping how applications are developed by decomposing large systems into smaller, independent services. These modular components can be developed and maintained separately, offering flexibility, scalability, and improved...
In 1948 Claude Shannon founded the field of Information theory in his paper titled, *“A Mathematical Theory of Communication.”* His interest was on how much information a communication channel could...
In the context of web development, ther performance tuning of Angular applications ranks high on the list of priorities when it comes to user satisafcation. With the contemporary browser-based web...
This is the process of protecting web applications, websites and API's from attacks. It's main aim is to keep applications running smoothly, protecting business from cyber vandalism, data theft and...
We are delighted to announce that Innova Limited (Innova) has received approval from the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) to conduct testing of our innovative cloud-based data analytics platform. This approval...